Video Podcasts

Spark Change Podcast Episode 14: “Finding Our Way”

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We give background on how the "Finding Our Way" storytelling project was conceived and executed, including details about the participant recruiting process and our “listening parties.” We also walk you through the new StoryCorps section of our website, explaining features of the public page’s edited stories, and offering a sneak peek at the raw story archive, which is still under construction but will soon be available for advocacy partners to access.

Spark Change Podcast Episode 11: Creating Images Quickly

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Images are an important part of any digital advocate’s toolkit. The right image can draw people into your content, and also help them visualize and remember information. And on social media, your audience is more likely to share images than other types of posts. Today on the Spark Change Podcast, we talk about strategies for using different types of images, and free online tools for creating them.
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